International Journal of Advanced Academic Studies
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2023, Vol. 5, Issue 10, Part A

S. No. Title and Authors Name
The role of academic libraries in the context of national education policy (NEP)-2020
Urvashi Pathak and M Suresh Babu
Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2023; 5(10): 01-04
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 449 KB  |  Views: 501   Downloads: 235
Mindfulness and happiness: An empirical study among working women
Dr. Ritu Sharma and Himangi Tiwari
Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2023; 5(10): 05-09
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 458 KB  |  Views: 524   Downloads: 252
Empowering learners in the digital age: Integrating technology and personalized learning in higher education
Shridhar SN
Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2023; 5(10): 10-14
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 380 KB  |  Views: 383   Downloads: 153
Analysis of water quality by physico-chemical parameters in Dashaudh Lake Rampur Naikin dist. Sidhi (M.P.)
Laxmi Kushwaha and Vinita R Kashyap
Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2023; 5(10): 15-18
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 330 KB  |  Views: 327   Downloads: 111
Delineation of influence of functional region of Siliguri Metropolitan Area (SMA) using gravity model (Breaking point analysis): Case study of North Bengal in India
Dr. Tarun Das
Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2023; 5(10): 19-26
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 590 KB  |  Views: 379   Downloads: 114
सीधी जिले के माध्यमिक स्तर पर अध्ययनरत् अनुसूचित जाति एवं जनजाति वर्ग के विद्यार्थियों के शैक्षिक उपलब्धि का अध्ययन
राजभान जायसवाल, डाॅं. संतोष कुमार द्विवेदी
Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2023; 5(10): 27-30
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 730 KB  |  Views: 301   Downloads: 100
The perfect human being according to Abdul Karim Al-Jili
Saja Hadi Watheej
Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2023; 5(10): 31-35
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: Iraq  |  File Size: 417 KB  |  Views: 402   Downloads: 101
Power, Gender and social change: The case of Senufo-Niarafolo women in Ferkessédougou
Koné Gnénéfolo and Konkobo Maman
Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2023; 5(10): 36-46
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: Cote D'Ivoire  |  File Size: 473 KB  |  Views: 371   Downloads: 133
Shashi Deshpande’s women: Feminine sensibility in quest of identity
Varsha Kumari Saini and Anant Dadhich
Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2023; 5(10): 47-51
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 501 KB  |  Views: 289   Downloads: 109
The impact of rehabilitation physical education on the mental and physical health of individuals people's situation
Rekha Goswami and Dr. Madan Singh Rathore
Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2023; 5(10): 52-58
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 421 KB  |  Views: 93   Downloads: 31
Spatial distribution of hydrochemical facies and its impact on groundwater utilization
Federico Sánchez and Paula Benítez
Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2023; 5(10): 59-61
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: Argentina  |  File Size: 182 KB  |  Views: 97   Downloads: 30
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