Title and Authors Name |
Murdahiya: Demolishing oppressive socio-moral beliefs Anamika Suman Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2020; 2(4): 270-271 |
A general analysis of dalit literature with the references to Bama’s works Chhotu Paswan Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2020; 2(4): 272-274 |
Inventory of the aquatic macrophytes in Govindgarh Lake, Rewa (M.P.) India Karuna Patel and Dr. Sanjeev Dubey Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2020; 2(4): 275-280 |
योगे अभ्यास-वैराग्ययोः महत्तम् निहारिका Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2020; 2(4): 281-282 Download | Country: India | File Size: 97 KB | Views: 719 Downloads: 363 |
ابزارِ جنگی در تاریخ بیهقی با نمونههایی از شاعران پارسی پوهنمل حبیب الله کاشفی Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2020; 2(4): 283-288 |
Effect of light on the physiological activities of the human body Waheeda Karimi Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2020; 2(4): 289-291 |
احکام البورصة فی ضوء القواعد الفقهیة پوهنمل احمد فواد واثق Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2020; 2(4): 292-296 Download | Country: India | File Size: 213 KB | Views: 958 Downloads: 574 |
An analytical study of comparison of reaction and determination test among advanced and intermediate handball players Dr. CP Singh Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2020; 2(4): 297-299 |
An assessment study of comparison of body fat percentage between professional and non-professional students Dr. Ajaypal Upadhyay Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2020; 2(4): 300-301 |
The effect of foreign aids on economic growth of Afghanistan during the years (2002 to 2018) Hafizullah Aiuby and Mohammad Aziz Azimi Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2020; 2(4): 302-307 |
Analysis of intrusion detection and prevention systems Abdul Qadeer Rasooli and Sayed Zabihullah Musawi Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2020; 2(4): 308-313 |
बच्चों में अच्छी पोषण, खाद्य सुरक्षा एवं शारीरिक स्थिति विकास एक चुनौती अनिता कुमारी Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2020; 2(4): 314-317 |