Title and Authors Name |
A critical analysis on non-use of trademarks in India Sunil Sudhakar Varnekar and Dr. Upankar Chutia Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2024; 6(6): 87-91 |
Navigating the digital frontier: Legal and regulatory challenges in India’s information technology landscape Praveen Singh Chauhan and Ram Kumar Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2024; 6(6): 92-98 |
Financial crisis to digital revolution: Exploring the impact of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology on finance and society Dr. Vivek Kumar Gupta Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2024; 6(6): 99-105 |
The cognitive evolution of artificial intelligence and its legal implications Dr. Vivek Kumar Gupta Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2024; 6(6): 106-112 |
دور نظام الرقابة الداخلية للحد من المخاطر المتعلقة بأستخدام التقنيات الحديثة في ظل اطار COSO ( دراسة استطلاعية) انعام عادل حميد, لمى خليل حمد, طه عزاوي محمد Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2024; 6(6): 113-121 |
Seed germination and dormancy of Sida rhombifolia L Rajlaxmi Sharaff Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2024; 6(6): 122-126 |
Performance of elite mulberry genotypes in different seasons for leaf yield and yield contributing traits Raksha Sharma CM, Lavanya V, Shyla PN, Preetish Chavan and Rashmi S Int. J. Adv. Acad. Stud., 2024; 6(6): 127-131 |