2022, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part B
Frost and his people
Author(s): Shyam Kumar Thakur
Abstract: The age of Robert frost's age was an age of artistic innovation and experiments, of Imagists but he remained unaffected by the Imagists and other contemporary movements. Robert Frost was not affected by the revolutionary movement even though he lived in the age of the Imagists, and wrote amidst them. The period of his poetic endeavours was a time of much industrialism. Frost wrote most of his poems during the period between the two world wars. That period was famous especially for technical innovation being done in the style of writing poetry. Frost conquered the minds of the people when Walt Whitman's popularity declined and Emily Dicknson was also so famous.
DOI: 10.33545/27068919.2022.v4.i1b.786Pages: 128-129 | Views: 760 | Downloads: 266Download Full Article: Click Here