International Journal of Advanced Academic Studies International, Peer reviewed, Refereed, Open access, Multidisciplinary Journal

2021, Vol. 3, Issue 4, Part A

Media framing and its effects on conflict: A thematic approach to framing as a means of control

Author(s): Keerthana Thankachan and Dr. PE Thomas

Abstract: Framing as a concept and theoretical perspective is well established in the modern political package to construct meanings. The messages are encoded and the essence of the angle or perspective induced into the audience for a predictable outcome is the key feature of any of the framing perspectives. Framing in conflict focuses attention on factors beyond what had actually happened. All frames that are used in conflict reporting do not carry equal weightage. This is where frames are often used as tools of political manipulations and to create social mobilisations as prime agents of control over the public. Use of media for exposure and as an agent of a leading character to divert the conflict frames always head-on to seek media as a primary tool of rein. Perceived as a working platform for information, modern media power is often controlled and manipulated by the elite with fixed and constant frames more often in conflicts. The capacities of media as an incredible strength are thus used as a weapon of destruction as the media power declines and political manipulations increase. In the language of control and conflict, media capabilities perform in different criteria. The media by far, is the most important source of information on conflict and politics, and the combined control of these two sources as an influence on ‘public opinion’ is the focus of the paper. Framing as an absolute and relative influence of control in conflict reporting is the success of political communication. Categorising conflict frame under eight major categories-Intended Frame, Routine Frame, Indicative Frame, Identity Frame, Manipulative Frame, Motivational Frame, Peace Frame and Dispute Frame-the paper exemplifies different cases that can define the concept of media’s controlled conflict framing. These frames are embedded in our personal, social and institutional lives and reinforce to exercise prevailing beliefs. The contemporary importance of media frames as a governing power and identity creators aim to exploit the media in order to nurture political goals by restructuring the perceived politics and conflicts in the minds of people. The paper is also a prefatory alternation of conflict management where media can play an integral role as a manager. The peace and routine frames that are often less identified in modern reports can serve as substitutes to manage conflict-promoting harmony. Further, the secondary discussion revolves around the control of mass media over conflict reporting that helps formulate the public perception of political reality in different types of conflict frames. It contributes a wide range of possibilities for analysing different facets of the frames as a means of control for affecting a collective conscience, thereby creating national interest.

DOI: 10.33545/27068919.2021.v3.i4a.626

Pages: 06-13 | Views: 4669 | Downloads: 3702

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International Journal of Advanced Academic Studies
How to cite this article:
Keerthana Thankachan, Dr. PE Thomas. Media framing and its effects on conflict: A thematic approach to framing as a means of control. Int J Adv Acad Stud 2021;3(4):06-13. DOI: 10.33545/27068919.2021.v3.i4a.626
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