2021, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part F
The elements of violence, menace and intrigue in the birthday party
Author(s): Smita Dabi and Dr. Surendra Paul
Abstract: Pinter’s absurd plays are marked by an atmosphere of underlying fear, violence, menace and mystery. These aspects of his plays were highlighted and projected via the use of his linguistic techniques, and his absurd yet apt characterization. Pinter’s characters are symbolic of the fear, insecurity and frustration of the individual. They also portray the mental anguish, and loneliness coupled with the struggle within and with the system. Hence, the frustration which is depicted through the medium of oblique, repetitive and menacing language. Thus, language as well as characterisation are important for the depiction of the all encompassing feeling of fear, insecurity, distrust, aggression, menace and mystery that is felt in all of Pinter’s plays including The Birthday Party. The background of The Birthday Party is a boarding house, the co owners of which are Meg and Petey. Stanley, the central figure, and the dishevelled, struggling, lost individual is the sole boarder of the boarding house. Stanley is symbolic of the angry young man of Pinter, frustrated and angry at the chaotic system around, of which he does not wish to be a part. The two characters responsible for inculcating profound fear and anxiety in Stanley, and for adding on to the atmosphere of fear and menace are Goldberg and McCann, the henchmen of the system, who annihilate Stanley’s personality totally, and help in his forced rejuvenation to be incorporated as a respectable member of the system. Thus, the entire play has a profound aura of menace, mystery and fear throughout which is highlighted by the violence in the mannerism and language of the characters. This essay thus, aims to explore the menace, intrigue and silent aggression in the play through the medium of the body language and utterances of the characters. The paper further aims to analyse each and every aspect of the elements as projected by the playwright in the play.
DOI: 10.33545/27068919.2021.v3.i1f.522Pages: 447-449 | Views: 3815 | Downloads: 3002Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Smita Dabi, Dr. Surendra Paul.
The elements of violence, menace and intrigue in the birthday party. Int J Adv Acad Stud 2021;3(1):447-449. DOI: