International Journal of Advanced Academic Studies International, Peer reviewed, Refereed, Open access, Multidisciplinary Journal

2020, Vol. 2, Issue 4, Part H

The review of software cost estimation model: SLIM

Author(s): Hamayoon Ghafory and Faqeed Ahmad Sahnosh

Abstract: Software cost estimation is the process of predicting the amount of effort required to build a software system. Models provides one or more mathematical algorithms that compute cost as a function of a number of variables, size is primary cost factor in most models and can be measuring using lines of code (LOC). The models should be used to estimate the cost of software, SLIM is a useful model to estimate the cost and it is a good model for big projects, also this model required some parameters to generate an estimation. Software cost estimation always characterized one of the biggest challenges in Computer Science for the last decades. Because time and cost estimate at the early stages of the software development are the most difficult to obtain, and they are often the least accurate. Traditional algorithmic techniques such as regression models, Software Life Cycle Management (SLIM), require an estimation process in a long term.

DOI: 10.33545/27068919.2020.v2.i4h.447

Pages: 511-515 | Views: 1813 | Downloads: 1017

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International Journal of Advanced Academic Studies
How to cite this article:
Hamayoon Ghafory, Faqeed Ahmad Sahnosh. The review of software cost estimation model: SLIM. Int J Adv Acad Stud 2020;2(4):511-515. DOI: 10.33545/27068919.2020.v2.i4h.447
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