2020, Vol. 2, Issue 4, Part F
The role of CRISPR/Cas9 technology in genomics edit
Author(s): Ezatullah Marefat
Abstract: Many genoms editing tools have been used successfully to revise and control the genomes of various animals, but endonucleases under the guidance of RNA are known by the title of CRISPR / CAS9; and are naturally changing the genomic engineering domain. Since the introduction of CRISP / Cas9 is much simpler than ZFN or TALEN, which is originated from the simple construction of CRISPR / Cas9 vectors that target a specific place in the host genome. This technology has been changed importantly, quickly and only within a few years as a standard tool for targeted editing the Gene. In this article, I will discuss about that how this technology is formed and how it will be developed in the coming years. Editing genemic strategies by CRISPR / Cas9 will accelerate functional genomic studies in the coming years. CRISPR / Cas9 will not only change genetic engineering, but also various fields of research in biological studies.
DOI: 10.33545/27068919.2020.v2.i4f.418Pages: 336-339 | Views: 1029 | Downloads: 357Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Ezatullah Marefat.
The role of CRISPR/Cas9 technology in genomics edit. Int J Adv Acad Stud 2020;2(4):336-339. DOI: