2020, Vol. 2, Issue 3, Part K
Effect of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in aquatic world
Author(s): Dr. Shalini Jha
Abstract: The fate of the present century is going to be decided by ecological factors and global reactions of technology. If biological, chemical and nuclear weapons increase in great proportions, it is likely to invite regional conflicts. But the conflict with nature is apparently to erupt as a world crisis. This crisis in all probability is to increase due to our ignorance of not thinking ecologically. Our excessive dependence on chemical as a result of industrialization and other technological advancement make us blind to the fact that there are ecological limits, which if crossed may lead to disaster. Overcoming such disaster requires concerted global effort. But the scenario is quite opposite. Most of the Relatively homeostatic environment is essentially required for survival of an organism in any given ecosystem. Continuous release of increasing number of recalcitrant xenobiotic compounds and dumping of the wastes into the environment produce chronic pollution of air, water and soil and thereby changing the physic-chemical nature of environment, thus endangering the existence of micro and macro forms of life which are important components of biogeochemical cycle essential for healthy survival of all living systems.
DOI: 10.33545/27068919.2020.v2.i3k.295Pages: 759-760 | Views: 1000 | Downloads: 327Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Dr. Shalini Jha.
Effect of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in aquatic world. Int J Adv Acad Stud 2020;2(3):759-760. DOI: