2020, Vol. 2, Issue 3, Part F
Psychological consequences of domestic violence on children
Author(s): Mujtaba Mahfooz
Abstract: Domestic violence is a universal phenomenon and a lot of families suffer in all over the world. Most children are exposed to domestic violence in each country and societies. And is has a horrible and disagreeable psychological, emotional, physical, and social effects on children. This article has been written to study psychological impacts of domestic violence on children. We have analyzed lots of prestigious books, articles, and researches in the context of domestic violence and its psychological effects on children. Our research findings show that children who exposed to domestic violence may have depression, anxiety, panic attacks, posttraumatic stress disorder, sadness, anger, powerlessness, and other psychological distress. Moreover, they are usually weaker at performing development activities and have problems of remembering and using new information likewise Children who exposed domestic violence may be faced with a lots of emotional problems (fear, low self-esteem, insecurity), cognitive functioning, and behavioral
problems such as: aggression and introversion, and social problems (weak social skills in their lives and social isolation) and they will show other signs of emotional problems such as: self-harm, weight-loss and bed-wetting. Effect of domestic violence can be different long term and short term; the short term effects may start from primary beginning of domestic violence and may continue till or after last event. But if the domestic violence is very deep the impact can be long term. And the connection between long term effect and short term effect may related to different factors such as: the length of time of violence, exposure of child, age of child and intensity of violence
and finally the degree of level to which child has accessibility to some help, if the child has strong source of help the effects of trauma will be reduced significantly.
DOI: 10.33545/27068919.2020.v2.i3f.184Pages: 425-431 | Views: 1637 | Downloads: 741Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Mujtaba Mahfooz.
Psychological consequences of domestic violence on children. Int J Adv Acad Stud 2020;2(3):425-431. DOI: