2020, Vol. 2, Issue 3, Part E
Employment and wages of rural labour in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh: An analytical study
Author(s): Gurrala Sreenivasulu
Abstract: Human resources in an economy constitute a significant input in the production process of goods and services. The study of human resources their quality and problems is of immense use in manpower planning in both developing as well as developed economies. The agriculture is the major sector of Indian economy. The most of the population is depending upon agriculture which is contributing about half of the national income in the country. The agricultural labour constitutes an overwhelmingly predominant auction of the rural workforce. The agricultural labour occupies the lowest rung of the rural ladder. The agricultural labourers constitute the largest role of the labourers and they constitute one of the biggest slices of Indian population. The agricultural labour, total workers are fast growing which is purely depending on wage paid employment in India. The farmers will try to substitute family labour in place of hired labour because of their low capacity to pay. If the population grows at the present rate accompanied by low industrial development, the unemployment problem in the agriculture becomes serious and the agricultural labourers become the victims in that vicious circle. The objective is to study pattern of employment and wages of rural labour for different crops through operations wise; and nature of employment and wages for male and female labour through the operations wise in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. The primary data included information collected directly from the sample respondents through a field survey in Chittoor district. In addition to primary data, a good bit of information was collected from secondary sources. The suggestions can be made for the improvement of socio-economic positions of the agricultural labourers. The better implementation of legislative measures, creating alternative sources of employment, protection of women and child labourers, public works programmes should be for longer period in year, improving the working conditions, regulations of hours of work, improvements in agriculture sector; the credit at cheaper rates of interest on easy terms of payments for undertaking subsidiary occupations, proper training for improving the skills of farm labourers and co-operative farming.
DOI: 10.33545/27068919.2020.v2.i3e.163Pages: 323-328 | Views: 1533 | Downloads: 598Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Gurrala Sreenivasulu.
Employment and wages of rural labour in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh: An analytical study. Int J Adv Acad Stud 2020;2(3):323-328. DOI: