International Journal of Advanced Academic Studies
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2020, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part C

Features of the treatment of massive obstetric bleeding in a retrospective group

Author(s): Matyakubov BB, Niyazmetov RE and Usinova ZB

Abstract: The article describes the analysis of the causes of massive obstetric hemorrhage, treatment features, possible errors made by conservative and surgical treatment. The main causes of massive obstetric hemorrhage were postpartum atony of the uterus, detachment of a normally located placenta and placenta previa. The amount of lost blood averaged 2,410.45 ± 520.55 ml. Mistakes made during the clinical examination, surgical, conservative treatment and organizational issues led to 5 cases of maternal mortality and a deterioration in the quality of life of a woman in the study group.

DOI: 10.33545/27068919.2020.v2.i2c.95

Pages: 131-134 | Views: 969 | Downloads: 285

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International Journal of Advanced Academic Studies
How to cite this article:
Matyakubov BB, Niyazmetov RE, Usinova ZB. Features of the treatment of massive obstetric bleeding in a retrospective group. Int J Adv Acad Stud 2020;2(2):131-134. DOI: 10.33545/27068919.2020.v2.i2c.95
International Journal of Advanced Academic Studies
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